Juvenile Crimes

Juvenile Crimes Defense in Charlotte

Facing an Uncertain Future

If your child or loved one is facing underage criminal charges, the juvenile crimes defense attorney from DeCurtins Law Office is ready to guide you through the best way to protect your future. Juvenile crimes defense tactics are very specific to the accused's age, and the legal team at DeCurtins Law Office is highly skilled at custom-tailoring a defense that best suits your particular circumstances.

The firm can provide you and your family with the tools you need to face these charges and move through them successfully. Mr. DeCurtins, is prepared to do a full investigation and build a solid, comprehensive case that can defend you.

Schedule your free consultation by contacting DeCurtins Law Office now!

Experience Counts With a Criminal Defense Lawyer

For more than 30 years, Attorney DeCurtins Law Office has served Charlotte with premier criminal defense strategies for juvenile crimes cases. The firm offers free consultations for all clients.

Juvenile crimes cases Attorney DeCurtins handles include:

  • Violation of probation
  • DUI
  • Possession of illegal substances
  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Assault
  • Sex crimes
  • Criminal mischief
  • Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
  • Theft
  • Minor in possession of alcohol

The goal as your attorney is to give you or your child the best possible chance at a reduced or lessened sentence. Your child needs the representation of a lawyer who is well-versed in juvenile crimes law and able to provide a skillful defense in the courtroom. Because DeCurtins Law Office focuses exclusively on criminal law, they are able to fine-tune their defense skills, honing in on the best approach to defending a juvenile crimes case.

Client Focused Juvenile Crimes Attorney

As a client of DeCurtins Law Office, your needs and goals are the priority. It is Attorney DeCurtins' aim to cater to the best interests of any juvenile involved in a criminal hearing or trial, knowing that your loved one's future could be at risk.

Call the Charlotte juvenile crimes defense lawyer at (704) 313-1131 or at (704) 508-9131 during after hours.